Reversing breast cancer with metastasis to the liver: A patient documentary

I never believed that this would be possible. I restarted my life.

Receiving an end stage cancer diagnosis for cancer is overwhelming.  A common factor often overlooked is that our bodies create cancer cells all the time. If the immune system is less competent, then cancer may grow and spread; however, if our immune system is competent then the cancer cells will not develop into cancer and are eliminated. Thus treatment may be enhanced if it also includes supporting the immune system. When patients are treated with such an approach (e.g.,  the Gorter Protocol),  a number of patients with stage 4 cancer have experienced remission. Watch the remarkable documentary in Dutch with English subtitles of Jeannette Hoogervorst who was diagnosed with breast cancer with metastasis to the liver and is now returning to work and life.

The Gorter protocol is described in our book, Fighting Cancer: A non-toxic approach to treatment.


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